25 Get To Know Me Questions


I stole this idea from Megan hehe and I thought it would be a really great tag to do because it’s not beauty related so you guys can get to know me on a more personal basis!

1. What is your middle name?
It’s Ming Jen! =) It’s just my Chinese name converted into English haha.

2. What was favourite subject at school?
This may be really weird for some people but it was actually Maths! I liked it because Maths has definite correct answers whereas other subjects are a lot more subjective! I like solving problems. =)

3. What is your favourite drink?
Boring but it’s water! Green tea comes really close though!

4. What is your favourite song at the moment?
I really don’t have one at the moment! I kind of stopped listening to music after it started becoming really EDM. Not that I dislike it, I actually really enjoy that kind of music but it’s not what I choose to listen to on the daily LOL. I miss classic R&B/hip-hop/rap! =( I know I probably just have to really search hard for good music but I miss the times when you didn’t need to!

5. What is your favourite food?
I really enjoy eating healthy so I love assortments of cooked chicken breast. I also love tofu as a main source of protein! My favourite meals are probably salads. (Sorry for being boring! ><)

6. What is the last thing you bought?
I bought lunch yesterday from Sumo Salad! =) I got a medium sized mixed of their pesto chicken and avocado, and pumpkin and beetroot salads! Yum!

7. Favourite book of all time? 
I’ve never been a huge bookworm so I don’t really have a favourite book of all time. I just have books I’ve enjoyed here and there! I would really like to get more into reading though. Please recommend me book! I enjoy thrillers/mystery/crime/sci-fi novels!

8. Favourite colour?
My absolute favourite colour is pink! I specifically really like soft/baby warm pinks.

9. Do you have any pets?
Yes! I have two dogs – an Australian silky terrier named Rambo and a German shepherd named Viva. I also have a lot of fish everywhere LOL – my Dad loves them.

10. Favourite perfume?
I’ve never sampled a lot of perfumes. I tend to stick to one until I completely use it up! The one that I’ve been using for the past 4 years or so is Vera Wang Princess! I should pick up another perfume, I’m desperate for a change!

11. Favourite holiday?
Christmas! =) I don’t really celebrate it (my family just has traditional Christmas dinners) but I just love the spirit during this time. Everyone is always cheerful and it’s the time of giving!

12. Are you married?
Noo, I’m forever alone! =( Haha just kidding but nope not yet! I don’t plan to get married for probably at least another 10 years.

13. Have you ever been out of the country, if so how many times?
Yes, I have! I think around 5 or 6 times? I’ve travelled around Asia (China/Hong Kong/Taiwan/Korea) and the US/Canada. Europe is definitely next on my list!

14. Do you speak any other language?
I speak fluent English but I can speak some basic Mandarin and Japanese.

15. How many siblings do you have?
Just one older brother! He’s 8 years older than me.

16. What is your favourite shop?
kikki.K! I love all the pastel colours and cuteness in the store!

17. Favourite restaurant?
Oh, this is so hard! I’m not the biggest foodie so I just eat anywhere and everywhere. It’s really hard for me to be disappointed with food, I’m not picky at all. As long as it’s not in the weird food category, I’m good! My favourite cuisine would probably be Japanese though.

18. When was the last time you cried?
Oh wow, I actually remember! I was watching a video about a guy having to euthanise his dog and the emotions were just.. it was so heartbreaking. =( It was the saddest video!

19. Favourite blog?
There’s no way I could pick one!

20. Favourite movie? 
Up! I need to re-watch it now that I mentioned it.

21. Favourite TV shows? 
Of all time, it’s got to be Breaking Bad. I also really enjoyed Gossip Girl, Nikita and Fringe. I’m currently watching/waiting for Pretty Little Liars, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Orange is the New Black, Game of Thrones and How to Get Away with Murder.

22. PC or Mac?
PC for gaming but Mac for everything else! =P

23. What phone do you have?
I have the iPhone 5S. I don’t think I can divert away from Apple anytime soon!

24. How tall are you?
I’m 167cm, which is around 5’5″.

25. Can you cook?
I can cook somewhat! I’m currently in the process of learning how to cook and trying out new recipes every weekend. So far there haven’t been any disasters yayayay LOL.

Everyone should do these questions too! =) I would really love to get to know all of you better!

76 thoughts on “25 Get To Know Me Questions

      • makeuponatightbudget says:

        I think it’s just your facial structure. It seems a little different than most chinese people or I guess a “stereotypical” face. Your gorgeous either way! I have family who is half chinese and half puerto rican and one sister looks more chinese and the other looks more puerto rican

        Liked by 1 person

      • Dorkchops says:

        Yes! I’ve been told it’s my eyes and my actual skull bone? LOL something about how my forehead protrudes more outwards than a stereotypical Asian. Thank you so much, that’s so sweet of you to say! ❤ Oh that's so awesome! Hehe genes are so unpredictable!


      • Dorkchops says:

        Yeah I get that too! 😀 Most of the time people think I’m half but now that my hair’s dyed, a lot more think I’m completely Caucasian LOL! Yeah totally but it’s so interesting how it all works! 🙂


  1. xMaffyx says:

    Yay for water! xD All time favourite drink LOL I’ll do one for myself too ❤ I just love these kinds of posts.

    Wait, what? You're full Chinese? but you don't look like one, but it's nice to know! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. avibrantday says:

    It’s fun to read more about you! Breaking Bad is one of my all time favs, too. OMG! It’s so enthralling!! And, I’m with you about Apple. I’m an Apple girl through and through. (Gosh I keep dreaming about the rose gold Apple Watch!!).
    Hope you have a great night. XO

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dorkchops says:

      Thank you! YESSS Breaking Bad was such a good show, especially during the final season. Wow, I just couldn’t stop watching it. Me too! I just love Apple so so much! ❤ Yup Apple + rose gold, that's a combination I can't pass up!
      Have a great night too! ❤ ❤ xx

      Liked by 1 person

  3. DIY Just Cuz Team says:

    This is nice, I really liked reading it and getting to know you a little more. If you like all those TV shows you should definitely try House of Cards. It’s got a lot of the same visual elements as the others and the story line is just so interesting. I don’t know if you’ve heard of it but the book “Gone Girl” (recently made into a fantastic movie) is a great book and has a bit of crime, thrill, etc. It’s a great read. Great post!
    xoxo, Sam

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dorkchops says:

      Thank you hehe I’m so glad everyone’s been enjoying post like this one! ❤ Thanks for the recommendation! I still have time to start a new series and watch it religiously before uni starts muahaha. 😛 Oh I really enjoyed the movie! So twisted but I love movies/books like that! I should read the book too even though I already watched the movie! Thank you for all your recommendations Sam! ❤ ❤


  4. smellofsense says:

    Breaking Bad is awesome! ❤ I spent a lot of nights watching it ;))
    There's no way to describe how good this movie is.

    I appreciate your healthy lifestyle. It's been a month since I started eating healthy and doing pilates 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dorkchops says:

      Haha me too! I spent so much time watching one episode after another. 😛

      Thank you very much! It took a while to get into the habit but now it’s my life! 😀 Yay so glad you’ve taken the step forward to being healthy! Pilates is great! 😀 ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  5. 메간 Megan says:

    I loved reading this! Thanks for the linkback. Also, regarding #7, if you like mysteries/thrillers, I suggest Dark Places by Gillian Flynn. Gone Girl is also a good one by her, but I think Dark Places is better 🙂


  6. Desire4Beauty says:

    pll is my fave tv show! I was wondering if you could do me a favour? I’ve recently started a youtube channel I was wonder because you have far more blog followers than I do, could you perhaps give my youtube channel a shout out on your blog?(theres links to the videos on my blog) and in return I could give your blog a shoutout in my upcoming video and on my blog when I post about the video? no worries if you can’t x


      • lostbeachbum says:

        And I remember one of your about you facts about traveling; if you ever have a chance, visit Brazil (I recommend Salvador Bahia, people are more friendly and laid back there) have some coconut water straight from a green coconut, OMG it’ll give you wings (like Red Bull’s slogan says except with agua de coco its for real). Also try fresh squeezed sugar cane juice (caldo de cana), also amazing, and so good for you.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Dorkchops says:

        My goodness, I can only imagine how delicious it would be! I would love to travel to Brazil! ❤ Thank you for the recommendation! I seriously can't wait until I'll get the chance to go, Brazil looks so so incredible!


      • lostbeachbum says:

        It really is! It depends on where you go, what kind of experience you get; if you go to Salvador, that’s almost like being in my hometown of San Diego, CA (that’s what turned me on about it, only diference is, they’re a little behind the times). If you go to Rio De Janeiro, it’s more like Los Angeles, beautiful but crazy (but there, you have Cristo Redentor). São Paulo will give you more a New York type of experience, very fast paced, and it’s more industrial….not AS pretty. If you were to go, go with a friend! Preferably someone who knows some Portuguese and knows some about Brazil, it’s still technically considered a 3rd world country, an. as such, it’s not as civilized, a lot of thieves. Don’t be discouraged from checking it out though, it really is beautiful, and there are a lot of nasty misconceptions about it. Maybe I’ll write something about Brazil soon on my blog 🙂


  7. xoalexisblog says:

    Hmm…. So I’ve just decided to give up meat and become a vegetarian. I don’t know if I want to try tofu…. but what does it taste like? 🙂
    And I love PLL, it’s amazing.
    A few good books might be Girl Online by Zoe Sugg, anything by Ellen Hopkins, and I don’t know if you’ve read it but maybe The Fault in Our Stars by John Green! ❤
    Love your blog!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dorkchops says:

      Ohhh tofu is going to be a great protein replacement for you then! 😀 Hmm, it’s really hard to explain! I’ve found that you either love it or you hate it! It’s sort of like a denser jelly in texture (if you try traditional silken tofu) but it’s quite bland in taste by itself! I personally really enjoy the taste of it plain but if you’re just trying it out, adding sauces and marinades will definitely make it spectacular! It’s really common in Asian cuisine so try it out! 😀 😀
      Me too! PLL is incredible! ❤
      Thank you for the book recommendations! 😀 I've only read TFIOS (and it was incredibly sad) but I'd love to check out the other books you mentioned! 🙂 🙂 ❤

      Thank you and just want to welcome you again! ^^

      Liked by 1 person

      • xoalexisblog says:

        No problem, just being a nice person, LOL. By the way, anything isn’t really a book by Ellen Hopkins, but she’s one of my favorite writers and pretty much anything by her is good. And if you like mystery, Gone Girl is great! ❤

        Liked by 1 person

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