Nail Inspiration [Part 3] ❀


P e a c h  &  J e w e l s


G o l d  &  P e a c h


W h i t e  &  M e t a l l i c


B l a c k  &  N u d e


N u d e  G l i t t e r


I hope you all liked this list, I definitely missed putting inspiration posts together! Let me know which one(s) are your favourites!

Beauty Bares All Tag


1. Spring, summer, winter, or fall?
Definitely spring for me! I love wearing dresses and I enjoy warm weather that isn’t too humid. =)

2. What does your ideal date notice and compliment you on?
Probably just that I simply look nice to be honest! It shows that they’ve noticed I’ve put in the effort to look good and presentable!

3. Would you rather give up lipstick, hair products, or mascara for an entire year?
Probably hair products! I really rarely use them anyway! If anything, I only use heat protectant on occasion. =P

4. If you could leave just one message for the world to hear, what would that message be?
This is so tough, I’ve never really thought about it before. It would probably be something along the lines of, “always keep pursuing whatever your heart desires no matter what anyone says and no matter the circumstances because no hard work goes unpaid”. I guess it’s a really cliche message but I think it’s really important!

5. A genie appears and offers you a wish. What one beauty task would you never perform again?
Doing my brows! If I could have flawless brows, that would be amazing haha.

6. You have two options: money or happiness? Additionally: infinite wardrobe or flawless face?
Definitely happiness! More money, more problems. =P And to be honest, just being simply and genuinely happy is the best feeling in the world. I don’t know who else would be on the same side of this with me but I would actually probably prefer a flawless face!

7. Are you a tea lover, a coffee hound, or a fan of something stronger?
I’m definitely 100% a tea lover. I love drinking green tea daily, even more so now because it’s getting colder here!

8. Have you had a “perfect day”, and what did it entail?
Wow, this is so tough. I honestly don’t think I’ve ever really had a “perfect day” before. (Sorry for the super disappointing answer!)

9. What do you splurge on the most?
Definitely lip products. I just can’t get enough of them and it’s a problem!

10. I have not lived until I’ve seen _____!
Disneyland. I really need to go there right now!

11. What are you guilty of doing when nobody’s watching?
Dance! LOL I think dancing is really fun but I’m definitely not the best at it and wouldn’t want anyone to see. =O

I feel like it’s been so long since I’ve done a tag, I had a huge phase of posting so many different ones before! =P I missed posting these and I always receive such positive responses from them so I hope you enjoyed this one too! =)

Update: 6 Month Blogging Anniversary & I’m Back!


I finished my exams yesterday and I am so glad to have my time and freedom back! =) I also realised that during the time I was gone, it was my 6 month blogging anniversary! I can’t believe it’s been 6 months already, time has flown by so fast in not just in how long I’ve been blogging, but also just how fast the year has gone by already. As always, I really do thank each and every one of you for supporting me throughout this time and also being so incredibly understanding of me having to take time off so I could study for my exams. It really does mean so much to me, words really cannot explain how grateful I am of all of you guys!

Now that I have a lot more free time, I will be posting more often again! I have been slacking off on reviews because if you haven’t read in my previous posts, I did lose my phone a few months ago and now that I’ve been using an older phone, I’m no longer able to take good quality pictures of my face. =( I’m still working around it and as soon as I figure it out, I will be doing more reviews again! I have a lot of products from my last haul that I want to update you guys on and I really want to write about them. Anyway, despite this, I am planning on coming up with more new posts for you guys that I hope you will look forward to and enjoy! I hope you’ve all been well!

How To Stay Awake!


Hi guys! I’m currently on my study vacation and I have exams starting on the 17th and finishing on the 26th! I can’t wait to finish so I can post a lot more often like I used to! Now that I’m trying to stay up a little later than usual, I was looking for some tips on how to let myself not sleep so early and I came across this list. =) I hope you’ll be able to use them on times where you really need to stay up a little later than usual to do work!

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1. Avoid rooms that are overly heated or warm. Open windows to keep fresh air coming in.

2. Splash cold water onto your face.

3. Physical exercise or warm up. You can do a few jumping jacks every 1 hour or so to keep the blood moving in your body.

4. Listen to music. Boring or overly mundane tasks can cause you to tune out. Hence, listening to music can make your brain more active again.

5. Get a laugh. It wakes up your brain. You could do this by watching something funny on YouTube before you start studying.

6. Draw inspiration from somewhere. Sometimes you feel tired because you lack ideas or interests for an activity. As a result, your brain naturally shuts down to prevent you from wasting energy on something non-rewarding.

7. Bright room can make you feel more alert. However for night owls, bright room might decrease your ability to focus. Hence, use a dim room if you are a night owl.

8. Eat nutritious low carbs snacks such as raspberries, apples, oranges or grapefruits. They are great energy boosters and do not take up energy to digest.

9. Obviously ensure that you have had enough sleep. However, don’t sleep too many hours, because too much sleep can cause you to become even more sleepy.

10. Drink coffee but don’t rely overly too much on it as you can develop dependency.

(Source: Neurolove)

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I hope these tips will be able to help you as much as they’ve helped me! Once again, I do have to apologise for not posting very frequently but I definitely will when I find the time again! ♡

Beginner Makeup Series: Cheeks

BeginnerMakeupSeriesHeaderPart 2 | C H E E K S

Hello everyone! This is the second part of my beginner makeup series and today’s topic is on the cheeks so I’ll be covering blush, bronzer and highlighter! Cheek products are a lot more easier to work with than foundation in my opinion, which was the previous topic of this series and you can check it out here if you haven’t already!


♡ Blush – There isn’t really a rule when it comes to picking out a blush shade for your skin tone but if a shade is too light or too dark, you can simply just try either layering the product or dipping into the product very lightly to sheer out the pigmentation! However, once again with blush, I personally believe you should choose a shade that you think looks the most flattering on you! For those of you who prefer a very natural look, a good tip that I’ve come across is be to choose the shade closest to the colour of your cheeks after exercise!

♡ Bronzer – It’s really personal preference depending on whether you want a more yellow-toned or red-toned bronzer as to whether you want to add warmth to your face or achieve that holiday glow look to your skin. To be safe, choosing a shade two to three shades darker than your skin tone would be most appropriate because it will look the most natural and you could always add more product as desired!

♡ Highlighter – A general rule of thumb with highlighters is to choose one that has the same undertone as your skin. In other words, if you have warm skin then pick a golden shade and if you have cooler skin then choose a highlighter with a pink undertone. However, this definitely isn’t a rule that can’t be broken but it is just a guide for if you’re unsure about what sort of shades you should start out with!


♡ If you have oily skin, definitely stick to powder products because they will last a lot longer throughout the day. If you do choose to use cream products, then definitely set them with a powder so that they don’t come off easily! Cream products work best on dry skin and are also great for a more natural look because they look a lot more like skin.

♡ If you have acne prone skin then steer away from any cheek products with shimmer or glitter because they will definitely enhance it! Matte products would be the most suitable for those of you who do have blemishes on your cheeks.


♡ Blush – I’m sure that everyone knows the trick of smiling to find the apples of your cheeks! This is the easier way to find the balls of your cheeks. Don’t bring the blush too close to your nose or it will end up looking odd.

♡ Bronzer – It should be applied in areas your face has natural shadows or depth. Another well-known trick to applying bronzer is to suck in your cheeks to form a ‘fishy-face’ and this will help you find the hollows of your cheeks. Applying it along your jawline, over your temples and across your forehead near your hairline will pull the entire look together.

♡ Highlighter – On all the highest points of your face, most commonly across the top of the cheekbones, along the bridge of the nose, cupid’s bow (above the lip) and a small amount on the chin!

I hope you all liked this part as much as the first one! I’m looking forward to posting more to the series and I hope you are just as excited as I am! =)

Love/Hate Tag


Thank you Joy for nominating me to do this tag! =) This is another great tag to get to know all our fellow bloggers more!


  1. Share 10 things you love and 10 you hate
  2. Nominate up to 10 blogs to do the same

T h i n g s  I  L o v e

  1. My family and friends (of course), everyone that has given me strength and courage, and has continually pushed me to be the best that I can be
  2. Meeting new people and completely clicking with them straightaway like as if I’ve known them your whole life!
  3. Perfect weather – when it isn’t too hot and humid but it’s also not too cold! I just feel super happy and motivated when the weather is nice
  4. Feeling accomplished after completing something that I’m proud of =)
  5. Exercise – it still boggles my mind that a few years ago, working out would have never crossed my mind as being something I would look forward to doing but it has truly become such a huge part of my life now!
  6. Meeting up with friends spontaneously with no particular plan(s) in mind but having the day or night pull through and having it become one of the most fun and memorable times
  7. Drinking a huge glass of water after being so thirsty for too long! It’s so satisfying LOL
  8. Crawling into bed and snuggling up in warm blankets after a long, tiring day
  9. Music – it just really helps me to destress and relax!
  10. Everyone that I have met through WordPress and blogging in general – you all are just the sweetest bunch of people

T h i n g s  I  H a t e

  1. People that literally only talk to me when they need something!
  2. When I realise that a particular item of clothing I want to wear for the day is in the wash! =P
  3. That one incident, whether it be minor or major, that just completely ruins my day or even the entire week =(
  4. Accidentally smudging nail polish after I’ve just painted them
  5. When I’ve met someone and have greeted them so many times but somehow I’ve forgotten their name and it’s too late to ask at that point LOL
  6. Being an over-thinker! It’s seriously the worst, every small scenario just becomes so much bigger than it needs to be
  7. How I’m so incredibly embarrassed to leave a room or a conference etc when I need to use the restroom really badly LOL
  8. Doing talks or public speaking in front of a group of people – I am a lot better at this now than I used to be but I still despise it and I wouldn’t do it if I had the choice
  9. Just negative, rude or mean people in general. They truly bring my own personal mood down so I would prefer to stay away from them if I can!
  10. Waiting for a TV show to be back from break or for the new season to start! I’m so impatient and I’m just always dying to know what’s next!

I know the rule of this tag requires people to tag 10 other bloggers but I want to tag everyone that wants to do this! I think this is a really fun tag to do so if you want to, post up 10 things you love and 10 things you hate! You can just say that I tagged you to do it if you want to! =) Have a spectacular day!