My Fitness Routine ♡


If you read my health and fitness journey, you’d know that I run and go to the gym a few times a week! I rotate between two different gym routines three times throughout the week (I will be referring to as A and B). When I first started getting into fitness, I was working out every single day but I’ve learnt that it’s important to let your body rest and repair itself after doing strenuous work. From personal experience, I tend to get fatigued and I don’t perform as well as I do when I take days off throughout the week!


3×5 Barbell front squats
3×5 Bulgarian dumbbell split squats
3×5 Barbell deadlifts
3×5 Assisted pull-ups
Abs circuit
1×5 Barbell deadlifts
3×5 Barbell bench bench
3×5 Push press or incline shoulder press
3×5 Assisted dips
Abs circuit

➳ For those of you who are unfamiliar, the format AxB means A are sets and B are repetitions (reps)!

I was doing regular barbell squats but decided to switch to front squats to build up by quadriceps but I would definitely recommend doing regular ones to start off with! Front squats are really tiring and use up a lot of energy. I also deadlift on both days because I’m weak at doing barbell rows so with workout A, I focus more on getting my form right rather than building up numbers!

I am currently in the works of switching up my abs circuit but before I was doing variations of weighted crunches, dumbbell side bends and leg raises then I would always finish off with a wall plank. I am a huge fan of planks! =)


Weekly breakdown:

Monday: Running (7km around the city at a 5:30min/km pace)
Tuesday: Workout A
Wednesday: Rest
Thursday: Workout B
Friday: Rest
Saturday/Sunday: Rest or Workout A

I usually take two rest days on Friday and Saturday, and do my gym workout on Sunday but sometimes if I or my gym buddy (aka my older brother) has plans then we will go on Saturday instead!

My current personal records:

I hope you all enjoyed this post and got a better idea of what my fitness regime is like! =) Let me know what you like to do throughout the week! I always find it interesting to see what other people do hehe.

58 thoughts on “My Fitness Routine ♡

  1. Lourdes @ Tribeloco says:

    That’s great inspiration, Jen! Did you learn this program from someone at the gym or youtube vids? How long did it take to get your routine in place. Seems like a lot to remember. LOL. I am doing yoga in a class, but I’d like to learn a routine like this. Just seems so daunting at first.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. nadinenjoy says:

    Wow! I admire you. You’re my new hero. I read your personal weight related story on another post and you are an inspiration…I am currently making an effort to get back in shape…I might try some of the work outs you recommend:)

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dorkchops says:

      Thank you so much! 😀 I want others to be motivated to be fit and healthy! Best of luck in your journey, definitely try out the YouTube workouts! They were everything when I first started to exercise. 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  3. The Simple Beginner says:

    Nice goal setting you have! Such a good exercise regime since it’s getting colder and darker earlier, would you still run? Do you do these exercises with a friend or just by yourself? 🙂 Now you’re motivating me to exercise!! Haha 😀 xx

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dorkchops says:

      Thank you! 😀 Yes! I actually prefer running when it gets a bit dark but I’m always with friends. (I’d feel really creeped out running by myself at night!) I can’t exercise by myself unless I’m at home. Even if I’m going to the gym, I have to be with someone else! 😛 Hehe you should try getting into it! Exercise seriously brings so much happiness! ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  4. designsonyourfuture says:

    I’m going to India to do yoga teacher training next month so I tend to do strength training first thing, based on a course by a guy called Dylan Werner. It’s all body weight stuff, mixed with yoga, almost like calisthenics. PM I do more traditional yoga based on Iyengar’s book.

    I only do resistance work once a week but it’ll probably build up as the bodyweight drops! Hehe.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dorkchops says:

      Wow that’s amazing! 😀 I haven’t heard of him before but I’ll definitely check it out. Bodyweight exercises are always great to do! Best of luck in your fitness journey, it sounds so promising and I know you’ll get amazing results! 😀


      • designsonyourfuture says:

        Thanks! Yeah he’s a bit obscure but he does some good stuff. He and Frank Medrano are my fitness heroes at the moment. 🙂
        Your routine sounds great too – my brother’s a personal trainer and this matches some of the stuff he’s given me over the years. Keep up the good work!

        Liked by 1 person

      • Dorkchops says:

        You’re welcome! 😀 So awesome that you have fitness heroes to look up to! They must be so motivational! Thank you, I’ve been enjoying my routine but I’m always open to trying new things too! 😀 And I will keep it up, didn’t get this far to quit now hehe.

        Liked by 1 person

  5. gentlenurse says:

    Hi Dorkchops. Loved reading about your workout, thanks so much for putting it out there. I love working out and love hearing what others do. I think you made a typo (did you? or not..) when you said 5.30 km/min…did you mean that or something else?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dorkchops says:

      Hi! 😀 Thank you so much! 😀 I love reading about what other people do too and oh yes I totally skipped over that! Thank you for letting me know, I’ll go fix that right away!


  6. hanmiso says:

    I’m really impressed dear! Good job 😀 can’t wait to read your next posts about your fitness. 🙂
    I started power yoga a few months ago and I love it!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dorkchops says:

      Thank you so much! I can’t wait to write more about fitness also so I’m glad you’re looking forward to them! 😀 ❤ I've never tried power yoga before but it sounds like so much fun!


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