The Very Inspiring Blogger Award


I can’t believe this is the second award I’ve been nominated for, this is crazy! Thank you so much SamHayleyThe Simply Sweet Project21PandaAnneAyoMbokiNimi and Ritu for nominating me! =) I am so happy and grateful that all of you find me insipiring and enjoy my reviews! I hope that all of you will go and check them out, they have awesome blogs!

The rules for this award –

1. Thank the person who nominated you and add their link to your blog.
2. List the award rules so your nominees will know what to do.
3. State 7 things about yourself.
4. Nominate other bloggers.
5. Contact your nominees and provide a link to your post.
6. Display the award logo (button) on your blog, whether on your sidebar or about page, or special award page.

7 things about me!:

1. My name is Jennifer but most people call me Jen and I go by Dorkchops on the internet! =)
2. I am full 100% Chinese, even though I look mixed. Some people actually think I’m fully Caucasian!
3. I absolutely love dogs. I’m that awkward person who squeals and gets excited when I see them on the streets or in pet stores hehe. I just want to hug and pet them all! I also have 2 of my own! ^^
4. I’m very rarely angry. If I am then something really bad must have happened!
5. I am starting third year of my Psychology degree this year with plans to become a clinical psychologist in the future.
6. I am really passionate about health and fitness. I enjoy eating really healthy and I workout almost everyday. My favourite sport is weightlifting!
7. My biggest fear would probably be failure. I think it’s why it takes me so long to get started on things I want to try and do! >< I’m hoping to overcome this eventually though!

…And the bloggers I want to nominate are:

Abigail (Shaudae)
The Crazy Bag Lady

I hope you guys enjoyed reading and I look forward to all of your responses! Can’t wait to get to know all of you a bit better and find out some fun facts! =)

23 thoughts on “The Very Inspiring Blogger Award

  1. janandjot says:

    Congrats! You are definitely on a roll 🙂 Thank you so much for the nomination ❤ We did this award but I will add your name to the post 🙂 I am always confused for something I am not as well, happy I am not alone. I always get Filipino but I am Mexican and Japanese 🙂 I wish I was more like you and rarely got angry, not a day goes by I don't get mad lolol but it goes away just as fast as it came. I don't like holding onto anger for too long. That's awesome you want to be a Clinical Psychologist! Another thing I wish was more like I don't eat as healthy as I should :/ I do walk outside or on the treadmill for 30 minutes everyday but other than that I don't exercise too much. I just get lazy blah xoxoxo Janet


    • Dorkchops says:

      Thank you Janet! =) Of course, I’m not surprised you’ve been nominated already! 😀 Haha, it always comes as a shock to people doesn’t it? That’s a lovely mix, Mexican and Japanese! Haha I’m sure you have your reasons to get mad! It’s definitely a good idea to not hold it in, just makes you feel worse!
      Yeah it’s always hard to start eating healthy! Took me the longest time to get into it but now I can’t go back (unless I’m on holidays on something :P) but I completely understand, I was exactly like that too! 🙂 ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      • janandjot says:

        ❤ Thanks Jen! You are too kind 🙂 I completely agree with you that it is so hard to eat healthy at first, I am slowly getting that way but little by little. I don't eat out as much when I am at home but when traveling I eat out to my heart's desire and I cut out pop/soda completely. These are baby steps but it is something. I still like to add a little sugar to my grapefruit and strawberries (I know so bad!) :/ but getting there lol

        Liked by 1 person

      • Dorkchops says:

        Thank you Janet! ❤ You will get there eventually, it's all about the progress! 🙂 Haha me too, my healthy eating went straight out the window when I was overseas but I didn't want to feel restricted so no regrets! 🙂 For sure, baby steps! 😀 It's definitely not something that can happen overnight!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Emwills says:

    Congratulations! I found your questions very interesting! I want to be a clinical psychologist too (but I’ve graduated and am currently on a masters!) Good luck with it anyway 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dorkchops says:

      Thank you so much! 🙂 I’m glad you found my questions interesting! Cool I don’t know many other people who want to become one too! How’s that going for you? I’m a bit nervous to start my third year though, it’s going to be quite intense! D: Thank you for the luck, I’m going to need it haha! 🙂


      • Emwills says:

        Most people on my undergrad course still weren’t sure what to do but basically everyone on my masters wants to be a clinical psychologist! There’s so much competition, but it’s such an interesting area to work in! I hope your third year goes well! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      • Dorkchops says:

        Yes, the struggle! Haha, no one 100% really knows what they want to do right now. It’s difficult to figure it all out! But thank you, I do know it’s very competitive! Hoping I can either get a clinical placement or continue with a postgrad course to get certified! Good luck with your masters! 🙂


      • Emwills says:

        Yes it is, it seems like such major life decisions being made at such a young age! Thanks, I’m going to need it, it feels like quite a jump up from undergrad at the moment!


      • Emwills says:

        I know! And once you’re committed you feel like you can’t turn round and start afresh! I hope so, thanks anyway!


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