July Wishlist ✮


I missed compiling wishlists so this was a really fun post for me to put together. I hope you all have been able to purchase or receive some items on your own personal wishlists! =)

① T o o  F a c e d  N a t u r a l  M a t t e  E y e s h a d o w


I’ve been really into natural makeup these days and I think this palette will be the perfect addition to my eyeshadow collection! I already own a few Too Faced palettes and I’ve never been disappointed before so I’m sure this palette will be no exception! =)

② A – L i n e  M i n i  D r e s s


I love dresses, I wear them all the time no matter what the season is. I like this dress because it is very flattering and accentuates the figure perfectly. It also is a great layering piece and I like that it is long-sleeved so I can wear it for the remainder of winter.

③ C a r d  H o l d e r


I want one of these because when I go out, I usually just carry my cards around with me in my pocket but I feel that having a card holder will keep everything all in one place and will just make it more easy for me to carry them. I also just love the soft mint colour of it, I find it very pretty!

A short wishlist this month but I still hope you enjoyed this post anyway! Let me know if you guys have any products in particular that you have been eyeing for awhile and would like to purchase! I’d love to know. ♡

The Eyeshadow Tag


Thank you for nominating me to do this tag Alyssa!


  1. Tag 3 bloggers to answer these same questions
  2. Those bloggers will TAG 3 more bloggers of their choice with the same questions & rules
  3. No tag backs


1. How many eyeshadows do you own?
I own quite a lot of eyeshadows! I would say roughly 30 to 40 but I’ve never counted them one by one.

2. What was your first ever eye shadow?
I honestly don’t know if this is for sure my first ever eyeshadow but I believe it was a quad by Estee Lauder! My mum doesn’t use eye makeup so she always gave me all the free gift with purchases.

3. What is your most worn eye shadow?
Right now, probably my Too Faced Chocolate Bar Palette! =) I’ve been using the shades Marzipan and Salted Caramel a lot.

4. What is your favourite brand for eye shadows?
This is tough! I don’t have a lot of eyeshadows by one single brand so it’s difficult to say. However, I do love my Naked 3 palette so I would have to go with Urban Decay.

5. What is your favourite finish?
My favourite finish would probably be shimmery! I love my matte shadows but I often gravitate towards one shadow looks on an everyday basis particularly for uni so if I could only use one eyeshadow, I always want something that has a touch of glam to it!

6. What is the last eye shadow you bought?
It was an eyeshadow stick by Missha that I ordered off eBay.

7. How many eye products do you currently have in your bag?
None! I very rarely carry makeup around with me except for a tinted lip gloss balm.

8. What eye shadows do you use to rock a smoky eye?
I’m a huge fan of brown smoky eyes! I like to use warm brown toned shades but I always switch them around and play with different palettes when I do a smoky eye.

9. How do you store your eye shadows?
I have them all stored in a drawer in my drawer unit and they’re kind of a huge mess right now. =P I know where everything is though so if I’m looking for something in particular, I know exactly where I’ll find it.

10. What eye products are you currently lusting over?
I want an eyeshadow quad from Charlotte Tilbury!

I tag AmeliaChanteru and Tezzy!

Beginner Makeup Series: Brows

BeginnerMakeupSeriesHeaderPart 2 | B R O W S

Everyone has been obsessed with having brows that are on fleek and it has been all the rave, we see it being talked about everywhere! Today I’m going to share some tips on how to achieve great looking brows and I hope they will help you out if you needed some advice on where to get started. =)


♡ For those of you who have dark hair, choose a shade that is two to three times lighter and for those of you who have lighter hair, choose a shade two to three times darker!

♡ Always choose a matte shade for a natural everyday look, especially if you decide to use an eyeshadow as a brow colour.


♡ Pencil – Using a pencil can be a little tricky because it’s easy to press on it too hard and end up with dark, harsh or unnatural eyebrows. It is better for a brow pencil to not be too soft because it means that you have better precision in drawing in very fine lines that mimic the appearance of an actual brow hair.

♡ Powder – In my opinion, using a powder is the most safe and the easiest form to work with because it looks very natural and it is easy to clean up or soften down. Even a matte eyeshadow could work perfectly as a brow powder!

♡ Pomade – After Anastasia Beverly Hills released their brow pomade, it has become the most popular choice of brow product to use. I personally have not used one of this form before but by generalising all the thoughts and opinions I have heard or been told of, it is convenient and fast to use! However, it is also important to be light handed so that your brows look natural.

♡ Gel – I love using tinted brow gels because they pull the entire look together and hold all your work down in place. Those that contain fibres are great to use on their own and make it effortless to have perfect brows when you’re in a rush for time. Otherwise, clear brow gels are still a great investment because they make your brows last all day and also prevents them from moving around.


♡ Angled brush – An angled brush is the easiest to work with in combination with a brow powder. It just makes it so fast to fill in any sparse areas and it is also perfect for getting the perfect arch. I like to use the Sigma brush from the kit!

♡ Spoolie brush – A spoolie is great for brushing your brow hairs in place. I like to use one before and after doing my brows so that I know that there are no hairs that are out of place or not in the right direction.

♡ Tweezers – I rely so much on my tweezers to remove any stray hairs that grow and to make my brows a lot more neat and tidy. It is a necessity to quickly groom your brows at home in under a minute without having to go to a salon or specialist to get them done for you!

I hope you guys enjoyed this part of the series and learnt a thing or two! The next one will be on EYESHADOW.

Beauty Bares All Tag


1. Spring, summer, winter, or fall?
Definitely spring for me! I love wearing dresses and I enjoy warm weather that isn’t too humid. =)

2. What does your ideal date notice and compliment you on?
Probably just that I simply look nice to be honest! It shows that they’ve noticed I’ve put in the effort to look good and presentable!

3. Would you rather give up lipstick, hair products, or mascara for an entire year?
Probably hair products! I really rarely use them anyway! If anything, I only use heat protectant on occasion. =P

4. If you could leave just one message for the world to hear, what would that message be?
This is so tough, I’ve never really thought about it before. It would probably be something along the lines of, “always keep pursuing whatever your heart desires no matter what anyone says and no matter the circumstances because no hard work goes unpaid”. I guess it’s a really cliche message but I think it’s really important!

5. A genie appears and offers you a wish. What one beauty task would you never perform again?
Doing my brows! If I could have flawless brows, that would be amazing haha.

6. You have two options: money or happiness? Additionally: infinite wardrobe or flawless face?
Definitely happiness! More money, more problems. =P And to be honest, just being simply and genuinely happy is the best feeling in the world. I don’t know who else would be on the same side of this with me but I would actually probably prefer a flawless face!

7. Are you a tea lover, a coffee hound, or a fan of something stronger?
I’m definitely 100% a tea lover. I love drinking green tea daily, even more so now because it’s getting colder here!

8. Have you had a “perfect day”, and what did it entail?
Wow, this is so tough. I honestly don’t think I’ve ever really had a “perfect day” before. (Sorry for the super disappointing answer!)

9. What do you splurge on the most?
Definitely lip products. I just can’t get enough of them and it’s a problem!

10. I have not lived until I’ve seen _____!
Disneyland. I really need to go there right now!

11. What are you guilty of doing when nobody’s watching?
Dance! LOL I think dancing is really fun but I’m definitely not the best at it and wouldn’t want anyone to see. =O

I feel like it’s been so long since I’ve done a tag, I had a huge phase of posting so many different ones before! =P I missed posting these and I always receive such positive responses from them so I hope you enjoyed this one too! =)

Beginner Makeup Series: Cheeks

BeginnerMakeupSeriesHeaderPart 2 | C H E E K S

Hello everyone! This is the second part of my beginner makeup series and today’s topic is on the cheeks so I’ll be covering blush, bronzer and highlighter! Cheek products are a lot more easier to work with than foundation in my opinion, which was the previous topic of this series and you can check it out here if you haven’t already!


♡ Blush – There isn’t really a rule when it comes to picking out a blush shade for your skin tone but if a shade is too light or too dark, you can simply just try either layering the product or dipping into the product very lightly to sheer out the pigmentation! However, once again with blush, I personally believe you should choose a shade that you think looks the most flattering on you! For those of you who prefer a very natural look, a good tip that I’ve come across is be to choose the shade closest to the colour of your cheeks after exercise!

♡ Bronzer – It’s really personal preference depending on whether you want a more yellow-toned or red-toned bronzer as to whether you want to add warmth to your face or achieve that holiday glow look to your skin. To be safe, choosing a shade two to three shades darker than your skin tone would be most appropriate because it will look the most natural and you could always add more product as desired!

♡ Highlighter – A general rule of thumb with highlighters is to choose one that has the same undertone as your skin. In other words, if you have warm skin then pick a golden shade and if you have cooler skin then choose a highlighter with a pink undertone. However, this definitely isn’t a rule that can’t be broken but it is just a guide for if you’re unsure about what sort of shades you should start out with!


♡ If you have oily skin, definitely stick to powder products because they will last a lot longer throughout the day. If you do choose to use cream products, then definitely set them with a powder so that they don’t come off easily! Cream products work best on dry skin and are also great for a more natural look because they look a lot more like skin.

♡ If you have acne prone skin then steer away from any cheek products with shimmer or glitter because they will definitely enhance it! Matte products would be the most suitable for those of you who do have blemishes on your cheeks.


♡ Blush – I’m sure that everyone knows the trick of smiling to find the apples of your cheeks! This is the easier way to find the balls of your cheeks. Don’t bring the blush too close to your nose or it will end up looking odd.

♡ Bronzer – It should be applied in areas your face has natural shadows or depth. Another well-known trick to applying bronzer is to suck in your cheeks to form a ‘fishy-face’ and this will help you find the hollows of your cheeks. Applying it along your jawline, over your temples and across your forehead near your hairline will pull the entire look together.

♡ Highlighter – On all the highest points of your face, most commonly across the top of the cheekbones, along the bridge of the nose, cupid’s bow (above the lip) and a small amount on the chin!

I hope you all liked this part as much as the first one! I’m looking forward to posting more to the series and I hope you are just as excited as I am! =)

Review: Beauteque Mask Maven (May)


I am extremely thankful for the opportunity to have been able to review this May’s bag! My opinions about the overall service still holds and I have only positive things to say about it. I will include all the necessary information from last month in this post so I apologise if it’s repetitive to you since you would’ve already read about it! However, for those of you who are unaware of this service then you will definitely find it extremely useful! =)

Beauteque offers a monthly subscription service, where you can try out 9 to 11 masks every month at an affordable price. The bags do not only contain sheet masks but also hand and feet, hair, wash-off masks and many more. As I have mentioned before, this service is the perfect way to test out a wide selection of masks on the market for a very affordable price!


The packaging is the same as last month except it is in a hot pink fabric bag this time! This month also has 9 amazing different masks for you to test out!

If you wish to try out the service, there are a range of options for you to choose from:

  1. Month to month at $16 per month
  2. 3 months at $16 per month
  3. 6 months at $15 per month
  4. 12 months at $14 per month

If you do decide to subscribe, keep in mind that billing occurs on the 20th of every month if you choose the first option. If you subscribe after the 10th of the month, you will receive next month’s bag! Bags get shipped out on the 20th of each month.

⟪ Click here to start your monthly subscription! ⟫

I know that I mentioned that I would be reviewing the masks but unfortunately I currently have issues with taking portrait pictures after losing my phone near the start of the month. My current phone is an old hand me down so the quality is just not on par and I am not content about uploading poor quality pictures! I will try to work out a way to post more reviews because I have been slacking in that department but I hope you still enjoy the other posts that I publish!

Beginner Makeup Series: Foundation

BeginnerMakeupSeriesHeaderPart 1 | F O U N D A T I O N

Hello everyone and welcome to my first ever series on my blog! =) I thought it would be a great idea to do a series on beginner makeup to help those of you who are maybe new to makeup or are just looking for more tips and tricks. Today I’ll be starting off with foundation as the first instalment of face makeup and then I’ll be working my way through cheeks, eyes and lips!

Foundation is definitely something that most people do not get right at the very beginning without the help of someone else, myself included, so I thought it would the best to begin with! There are so many different factors to take into consideration when picking out a foundation so I’ll be sharing different pieces of advice on how to pick the perfect one for you.


This is the first thing that people will look for when selecting a foundation because it’s so important to pick one that is the right shade for you. Everyone’s skin tone varies throughout the body so it can be quite difficult to work out what shade will work best for you especially when you are under artificial lighting, which can change the look of your natural tone!

♡ Work out your underlying skin tone. A good way to test this is to look at your veins on your wrist! If they have a blue hue to them, your skin has a cool undertone so it will be more on the pinker side. If they are green, then you have a warm undertone and you will have more yellow or olive pigments in your skin. If it is in between then you have a neutral undertone, where you don’t lean more on one side but you’re just in the middle. It’s not enough to get the right darkness in a foundation but to pick up one with the right undertone so that it will match you perfectly!


Another important factor to look into is your skin type! Do you have dry, oily or combination skin? Do you prefer a matte or dewy finish? Do you have acne or breakouts? Do you have aging skin? All of these questions are really important to take note of when picking out a new foundation.

♡ If you have oily skin, go for a foundation that has a more matte finish to it so that it will keep oil and sebum at bay throughout the day. If you have drier skin, go for a more dewy or moisturising foundation so that it will not pick up any dry spots on your face!

♡ If you have acne prone skin then you would definitely be eyeing a foundation with fuller coverage. If your skin is more on the clear side, opt for something that has light to medium coverage. However, also remember that foundations are buildable so even if you do have acne prone skin, there is always concealer that you can use to cover up any blemishes that your foundation doesn’t!


♡ Always use a tester or sample! Most of the time, your hands are not the same colour as your face so definitely test out a foundation on your jawline to find the perfect match. A sample would be the most ideal because you will not be in contact with any germs or bacteria build up in a tester bottle, and you will also be able to take a proper look at the foundation under natural lighting at home.

♡ Sometimes a foundation works well with a particular brush and doesn’t work well with another so definitely give different application techniques a try before you completely mark one off your list.

I hope you all liked the first part of my new series! I will be progressively uploading these as my schedule allows so I hope you look forward to them. I’d love to know your feedback and whether you agree with the tips I’ve shared too! If you have anything to add, I’d love to know and I’ll definitely update my post to give you credit! I think it would be amazing to expand these posts so that they will be helpful for everyone. =)

May Wishlist ✮


Hi everyone! Mother’s Day was yesterday for me but I know that it’s today for a lot of you so I’m wishing all of you and your mother a lovely Mother’s Day!

Today I’m going to do a post on a few of the items I’m eyeing for this month! I rarely ever end up purchasing the items in my wishlist LOL but I still find it so fun to put these kind of posts together nevertheless! =P

① L a n e  C r a w f o r d  ‘ M a t i l d e ‘  C r i s s c r o s s  S t r a p  S u e d e  P u m p s


I’m in love with how classy these shoes look! I feel like they would be appropriate for so many different purposes and occasions, plus they would suit so many different outfits too!

② N A R S  I t a  B r u s h


I really want to get more into contouring and I have heard so many great things about this brush. I feel as though it’d make contouring so much more easier and faster to do! The only thing is how ridiculously expensive it is! =(

③ T h e  B a l m  M a r y – L o u  M a n i z e r


Another product that gets talked about so so much! I have been using the same highlighter for the longest time and I feel like now is the time to try something new! I have literally not heard anything bad about this highlighter, everyone seems to be in love with it! It’s definitely one that I am going to look into next!

④ K a t e  S p a d e  C l a s s i c  N y l o n  D a v e n e y  L a p t o p  B a g


It’s always a struggle for me to try and find cute bags that can fit my laptop! My backpack is starting to get a little too small for me and I’m having issues with the zipper when I’m carrying a bit too much. I think this bag will be absolutely perfect because it has a special compartment just for your laptop, with more room to spare for other essential items! =)

I hope you liked my wishlist for this month! I find putting together wishlists so much fun to do even if I don’t end up purchasing the items! =P What are you hoping to pick up this month?

Procrastinating Beauty Blogger Tag


1. Name a beauty regime that you rarely do?
I have never self tanned before! I want to try but because I’m naturally quite fair, I’m worried it will look too excessive or strange! I also don’t often use body lotion/moisturiser at all, only when my skin is really really dry during winter.

2. Is washing your make-up brushes something that you do regularly?
Unfortunately no, and I know how bad that is! =( But on a day-to-day basis I don’t use that many brushes so I feel as though it could be a lot worse, especially since I use my fingers to apply my base makeup! I think if I was using the exact same foundation brush for an extended period of time, that would be way too unhygienic! =O

3. How long will you last with chipped nail polish?
It depends on what kind of nail polish I have on! If it’s a nude/neutral shade where it isn’t extremely obvious then I will probably last a maximum of about a week and a half. If it’s a bright or dark shade then I wouldn’t last long at all, I would take it off as soon as possible!

4. How long will you put off buying/replacing a beauty product, even if you need it?
Not that long! I will buy it as soon as I get the chance to. =) Especially if I need it, then I will definitely go out of my way to pick it up again!

5. What is your worst beauty habit?
Linking back to the second question, it’s definitely not washing my brushes often enough! I always make it a habit when I purchase new brushes but after awhile, I put it off for such a long time! =P

6. Name something non-beauty related that you put off doing all the time?
Just general cleaning. My room is quite neat and tidy already but it’s not as spick and span as I’d like it to be! I usually do an annual clean out of my entire room but I skipped over it last year because I just felt too lazy! =/

7. When going out somewhere, do you leave getting ready to the last minute?
Never! I like taking my time to get ready! =) I think it’s really therapeutic and it’s just fun to play around with makeup, trying to make it as flawless as I can! Because I don’t go out that often on occasions where I want to wear heavier makeup, I like to take my time whenever I get the chance to!

8. Can you commit to spending bans?
It depends how intense it is! Not buying makeup for an entire year, I definitely can’t do but I could probably go a good few months without a shopping trip even though it’d be quite difficult!

9. How organised is your make-up and nail polish collections?
It is partly organised! My lip drawer and nail polishes are organised because everything is relatively the same shape! However, my eye makeup drawer is not organised at all. =( It was, until I started purchasing more products, so now it’s hard to rearrange everything neatly and make it all fit! =P I need to work out how to separate everything really soon so it can be more neat LOL.

I really missed doing tags, I hope you liked this one! Please do go ahead and post up your answers to these questions yourself! =)

♡ Haul: eBay Korean Makeup!


I made another eBay purchase for Korean makeup about a month ago because I wanted to get backups of my all time favourite BB cream! Of course I couldn’t just leave it at that so I ended up buying a few other products that I had been meaning to try or just interested me as I was browsing! =) Being the lip product junkie that I am, I picked up several different kinds and I’m really excited to try them out. I also came across two eye products that I’m just as excited to see how they work out on me!

These are the products I ended up picking up:

M i s s h a  M  P e r f e c t  C o v e r  B B  C r e a m


There really isn’t anything else I can say about this BB cream! It’s become a beauty staple of mine and I have been using it absolutely every single day. I’ve already done a full review of it before, so if you’d like to check it out then click here! =) I decided to purchase it in a pack of two because it was cheaper than buying them singularly!

A r i t a u m n  S t y l e p o p  P u d d i n g  T i n t


I’ve always been curious about Benetint’s Lollitint but considering that it’s around $50 here, I definitely couldn’t bring myself to pick it up! Instead, I saw this while I was looking through eBay and I immediately wanted to pick it up because of how comparable it looked and because it was a fraction of the price at $10! From what I can see, the colour does look quite similar so I’m excited to test it out to see how well it stains! The particular shade I picked up is in ‘#04 Lollipop’!

E t u d e  H o u s e  C o l o r  I n  L i q u i d  L i p s


As soon as I saw the promo of these, I knew I just had to give it a try. The number of shades available drew me in but I decided on ‘BE102’ because I don’t own many neutral shades and I wanted to pick up a more nude lipstick (even though after swatching it, I realised it’s still very much a pinky mauve shade =P)! Also, judging by the promo pictures, these lipsticks appear to have incredible pigmentation so I’m curious to see how it wears!

T o n y M o l y  K i s s  L o v e r  L i p  M a s t e r


I picked this up in the shade ‘#1 First Kiss’ and I was curious about it because I read some great reviews on it, and also because I wanted to give Tony Moly another chance on their lip products! If you have followed me for awhile, you may remember when I tried out one of their watery lip tints and I had really bad results with it! I’m hoping that this will give me a more positive impression on their lip products. =) The colour itself looks a bit like a coral red, which wasn’t what I was expecting, but I will need to swatch it again to be sure!

P e r i  P e r a  L u m i  P a n g


Going along with the more purple/lavender lip phase that I’ve been trying to get into, I decided to pick this lip tint up! This is in the shade ‘PP06’. The colour immediately interested me when I came across this lip product because it looked so beautiful in the promo picture! I’m really hoping that it will be long lasting so that I don’t need to reapply throughout the day.

M i s s h a  T h e  S t y l e  A l l  D a y  S t i c k  E y e s


Hehe finally onto the eye products! It’s been awhile since I’ve purchased new eye makeup, I have been buying so many lip products! I really need to go on a makeup no buy because it’s becoming a huge problem. =( Anyway, for everyday, I don’t like to mess around too much with eyeshadow because I want to be able to get ready quickly before going to uni! The only time I really create a more full eye makeup look is during the weekend. I picked this up in the shade ‘#2 Beige & Chocolate’ because I felt as though it had colours that I would wear everyday! Having two colours in the one product will make it really convenient to do my eye makeup in a short amount of time. I’m really hoping it does last all day on me!

B B I A  P i g m e n t


I’ve never heard of this brand before but these just looked so pretty when I came across them! There were so many different colours to choose from and it really did take me a long time to decide on one. I ended up picking up the shade called ‘#07 Moonlight’. It is a jewel glitter pigment so it would be absolutely perfect for parties and night outs. I don’t own any larger eye glitters so I’m really keen to try this out!

As always, I will be testing these products out and then doing full reviews on each of them! I hope you will look out for them! If you’ve tried any of these products out before, do let me know how they worked on you! ♡