Beauty Boo-Boos Tag!


So I came across this tag on Nicole‘s blog and I thought it was such a cute idea. I think it’s hilarious to look back into the past and remember all the beauty faux pas we made LOL. We’ve definitely all had those phases that we look back on and terribly regret! The purpose of the tag is to list 5 of them so here are mine:

 O v e r p l u c k e d  E y e b r o w s

When I first discovered how bushy my eyebrows were and seeing every other girl in school have such neatly defined brows, I wanted to take it upon myself to pluck my eyebrows. This was a horrible idea because I did not have any guide as to what sort of shape and thickness would be most flattering for my face shape so I kept plucking until I had very thin, arched eyebrows. Looking back, they were so unflattering but I’m just so thankful that they managed to grow back so now they’re bushy again LOL.

 O d d  M a k e u p  C o l o u r  C o m b i n a t i o n s

Everyone starts off with a minimal makeup collection. I started off with just an eyeshadow palette my Mum passed onto me because she doesn’t ever use eyeshadow alongside some freebies I got from purchasing magazines. Because of my limited makeup collection, I was wearing shimmery grey eyeshadow with green eyeliner on my waterline…and that was it! That was my entire makeup look. I’m so glad there were no photos of me at this time! I cringe even thinking about it. =P

 W r o n g  F o u n d a t i o n  S h a d e

This is definitely something I have experienced so many times, especially when testing out new foundations. While I used to test out different BB creams, this was a common boo-boo because they always lean on the more paler side. At one point in time, I was wearing BB cream that was too white for my skin. This is why it’s so important to do makeup under daylight! >< My skin looked great when I applied it in the mirror but under daylight, I would look as pale as a ghost! It was definitely not a good look for me and I’m so terribly embarrassed of everyone that saw me!

④ N o  M a s c a r a

There was a point in time when I would wear a full face of makeup but skip mascara! The reason why I did this was because I didn’t like how it would smudge everywhere and give me panda eyes when I took off my makeup. This was before I had makeup remover so I was relying on just face wash to take off my makeup! Looking back, I find it a little ironic how mascara has become an essential product in my makeup routine because it makes such a huge difference! I definitely don’t skip mascara anymore whenever I put on any sort of makeup. =)

⑤ N o  F o u n d a t i o n

This is an ever weirder one for me but one time when I went on holidays, I didn’t wear foundation but I only put on eye makeup and lipstick. The photos I took were horrific because my skin back then was a lot worse than it is now so it just clashed so bad! Having a clear canvas is so important when applying makeup, it’s either wear no makeup at all or have some sort of base makeup incorporated into a makeup look in my opinion! Unless you have a clear face naturally then I am so so jealous! =)

These were my 5 beauty boo-boos (I’m sure I’ve had so many more than these too LOL)! I’d love to know what yours were so feel free to do this tag too or leave your top 5 in the comments below! ♡

93 thoughts on “Beauty Boo-Boos Tag!

  1. kauifrommaui says:

    1. wrong foundation shade! it was a disaster
    2. wearing only black eyeliner on my waterline
    3. overpowering blush
    4. too dark brows
    5. wrong concealer shade (it was darker than my actual skin tone)

    so embarrassing but we all go through it, I’m still looking for the perfect products for my skin type and tone specifically foundation and setting powder.


  2. Sandra Lewrey says:

    1998, when I went out (both during the day and more understandably at night) SPACKLED in iridescent body glitter, like, everywhere. No, EVERYWHERE – brows, cheekbones, dancing across my chest…a little goes a long way, and the look I was sporting was definitely not a little.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dorkchops says:

      Yes, definitely! 🙂 I agree with you. If you’re happy with your beauty regime as is, you should keep up with it no matter what anyone else thinks of it! 🙂 And that sounds great, I’ll have a look at your post now! ❤


  3. EivlesLife says:

    Great post Jen! At some point I did every single one of these but now I’m still paying the consequences of overplucking my brows 😀 thanks god they invented brow liners LOL 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. The Peachy Queen says:

    Ok the over plucked eyebrows…that one is big for me. I guess I didn’t realize how much I did this and how horrible it looked. I was literally looking at a bunch of pictures when I was 15/16/17 and my eyebrows are so thin and crooked, it’s actually scary. Why didn’t anyone tell!! Now, that I grew my eyebrows out and color in the missing sections to make them thicker.. I’ve been obsessed with eyebrows for many years, maybe that’s why old pics of my think eyebrows scare me. I even wrote an article on growing out your eyebrows and I had it published on OOTD Magazine. I’ve come a long way since my really bad beauty boo-boo. I kinda want to show you a pic of how bad it

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dorkchops says:

      I know! I had no idea either until I saw some pictures! It’s crazy how we see things differently a few years down the line. Mine were very thin and crooked too! Haha yes, I think all of us can relate to that, brows are so big now. :O That’s amazing that you had an article posted about that, you must’ve helped so many people!


  5. Anne says:

    Love this tag! I hate testing new foundations for that exact reason: sometimes you think it looks great but find out you actually look like a ghost or orange (even worse)!
    So funny you used to skip mascara: it was the first makeup product I ever bought and wore for years on its own 😉
    xxx Anne –

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Rohan says:

    While I have never made any of these mistakes, I did shave my sideburns off because of a misguided attempt to look handsome… unpleasant memories.. the things I was called at school.. anyway great post as usual 😛

    Liked by 1 person

  7. victoriaslittleblog says:

    I’ve had a long battle with my brows. I have very full brows and when I was younger I made the mistake of shaving between my brows and made my eyebrows farther than they should be! Never forget, but will NEVER do that again!! I barely tweeze my brows now, I just groom and tweeze the random hairs 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dorkchops says:

      Same here! 😛 I used to take my razor and just shave the area between my brows because I was too lazy to pluck them LOL. But thankfully they grew out so now I do the same and groom random hairs too! 😛 Although I do need to tweeze on occasion because mine can get out of control HAHAHA.

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