Wedding Inspiration Board


Hi everyone! Paperless Post approached me to put together this wedding inspiration post and I thought it would be a fantastic idea to do so. I’ve done a post in the past on my dream wedding, which if you’re interested, you can click here to read it. However, this post is purely on some ideas that you could use or keep a note of when you’re planning your own wedding day! It is a collection of different images that I have gathered around on the internet

Paperless Post is notable for producing photo save the dates as well as wedding invitations! However, they also offer the widest range of cards with different beautiful designs that there is no doubt you will find something that fits your taste. =)







Thank you for reading this post and visiting my blog! Once again, if any of the invitations above caught your eye, check out Paperless Post. They do a wide range of cards to suit all your needs and I can guarantee that you will adore all of their designs.

I wish you all have a lovely day! =)

July Wishlist ✮


I missed compiling wishlists so this was a really fun post for me to put together. I hope you all have been able to purchase or receive some items on your own personal wishlists! =)

① T o o  F a c e d  N a t u r a l  M a t t e  E y e s h a d o w


I’ve been really into natural makeup these days and I think this palette will be the perfect addition to my eyeshadow collection! I already own a few Too Faced palettes and I’ve never been disappointed before so I’m sure this palette will be no exception! =)

② A – L i n e  M i n i  D r e s s


I love dresses, I wear them all the time no matter what the season is. I like this dress because it is very flattering and accentuates the figure perfectly. It also is a great layering piece and I like that it is long-sleeved so I can wear it for the remainder of winter.

③ C a r d  H o l d e r


I want one of these because when I go out, I usually just carry my cards around with me in my pocket but I feel that having a card holder will keep everything all in one place and will just make it more easy for me to carry them. I also just love the soft mint colour of it, I find it very pretty!

A short wishlist this month but I still hope you enjoyed this post anyway! Let me know if you guys have any products in particular that you have been eyeing for awhile and would like to purchase! I’d love to know. ♡

The Eyeshadow Tag


Thank you for nominating me to do this tag Alyssa!


  1. Tag 3 bloggers to answer these same questions
  2. Those bloggers will TAG 3 more bloggers of their choice with the same questions & rules
  3. No tag backs


1. How many eyeshadows do you own?
I own quite a lot of eyeshadows! I would say roughly 30 to 40 but I’ve never counted them one by one.

2. What was your first ever eye shadow?
I honestly don’t know if this is for sure my first ever eyeshadow but I believe it was a quad by Estee Lauder! My mum doesn’t use eye makeup so she always gave me all the free gift with purchases.

3. What is your most worn eye shadow?
Right now, probably my Too Faced Chocolate Bar Palette! =) I’ve been using the shades Marzipan and Salted Caramel a lot.

4. What is your favourite brand for eye shadows?
This is tough! I don’t have a lot of eyeshadows by one single brand so it’s difficult to say. However, I do love my Naked 3 palette so I would have to go with Urban Decay.

5. What is your favourite finish?
My favourite finish would probably be shimmery! I love my matte shadows but I often gravitate towards one shadow looks on an everyday basis particularly for uni so if I could only use one eyeshadow, I always want something that has a touch of glam to it!

6. What is the last eye shadow you bought?
It was an eyeshadow stick by Missha that I ordered off eBay.

7. How many eye products do you currently have in your bag?
None! I very rarely carry makeup around with me except for a tinted lip gloss balm.

8. What eye shadows do you use to rock a smoky eye?
I’m a huge fan of brown smoky eyes! I like to use warm brown toned shades but I always switch them around and play with different palettes when I do a smoky eye.

9. How do you store your eye shadows?
I have them all stored in a drawer in my drawer unit and they’re kind of a huge mess right now. =P I know where everything is though so if I’m looking for something in particular, I know exactly where I’ll find it.

10. What eye products are you currently lusting over?
I want an eyeshadow quad from Charlotte Tilbury!

I tag AmeliaChanteru and Tezzy!

Beginner Makeup Series: Brows

BeginnerMakeupSeriesHeaderPart 2 | B R O W S

Everyone has been obsessed with having brows that are on fleek and it has been all the rave, we see it being talked about everywhere! Today I’m going to share some tips on how to achieve great looking brows and I hope they will help you out if you needed some advice on where to get started. =)


♡ For those of you who have dark hair, choose a shade that is two to three times lighter and for those of you who have lighter hair, choose a shade two to three times darker!

♡ Always choose a matte shade for a natural everyday look, especially if you decide to use an eyeshadow as a brow colour.


♡ Pencil – Using a pencil can be a little tricky because it’s easy to press on it too hard and end up with dark, harsh or unnatural eyebrows. It is better for a brow pencil to not be too soft because it means that you have better precision in drawing in very fine lines that mimic the appearance of an actual brow hair.

♡ Powder – In my opinion, using a powder is the most safe and the easiest form to work with because it looks very natural and it is easy to clean up or soften down. Even a matte eyeshadow could work perfectly as a brow powder!

♡ Pomade – After Anastasia Beverly Hills released their brow pomade, it has become the most popular choice of brow product to use. I personally have not used one of this form before but by generalising all the thoughts and opinions I have heard or been told of, it is convenient and fast to use! However, it is also important to be light handed so that your brows look natural.

♡ Gel – I love using tinted brow gels because they pull the entire look together and hold all your work down in place. Those that contain fibres are great to use on their own and make it effortless to have perfect brows when you’re in a rush for time. Otherwise, clear brow gels are still a great investment because they make your brows last all day and also prevents them from moving around.


♡ Angled brush – An angled brush is the easiest to work with in combination with a brow powder. It just makes it so fast to fill in any sparse areas and it is also perfect for getting the perfect arch. I like to use the Sigma brush from the kit!

♡ Spoolie brush – A spoolie is great for brushing your brow hairs in place. I like to use one before and after doing my brows so that I know that there are no hairs that are out of place or not in the right direction.

♡ Tweezers – I rely so much on my tweezers to remove any stray hairs that grow and to make my brows a lot more neat and tidy. It is a necessity to quickly groom your brows at home in under a minute without having to go to a salon or specialist to get them done for you!

I hope you guys enjoyed this part of the series and learnt a thing or two! The next one will be on EYESHADOW.

The School Tag


So Ellen tagged me to do this and of course, being the tag crazy person that I am, I definitely wanted to participate! I’ve also never seen this one around before but I thought it would be interesting to answer some questions that are different from the tags I’ve already done. =) I’m in university now so I’m going to answer the questions as though I’m a high school student again!

What is your favourite subject in school?
It was definitely Maths. I liked it a lot because there’s always a correct answer whereas in subjects such as English, how well you do depends on who marks your work and that really bothered me!

What is your least favourite subject in school?
I’ve never really absolutely hated a subject but I would probably say geography? I just didn’t really find it fascinating at all. =P

How many detentions have you had?
I’ve never had a proper detention before! I’ve had those minor ones in primary school where if you didn’t read enough books for the week, you’d have to sit in a room with other people during recess LOL.

Are you a class rebel or a teacher’s pet?
I wouldn’t say I’m one or the other. I would put myself in the middle!

What was your favourite year in school?
This is so hard! I really enjoyed most of high school except the final year. I would probably go with year 10? A lot of things happened that year but it was overall just such a fun time with all my friends!

What was your least favourite year in school?
Probably the final year, year 12! It was so stressful preparing for university entrance exams and I cut off a lot of social activities because of it, and I truly regret that so much now!

Who was your first friend in school?
My first friend in primary school was a girl called Uvrashi! She was my best friend at the time before I moved houses and schools. My parents actually told me that one time she bit my arm really hard so they got called in by the principal and my arm was really bruised and purple LOL. I had no idea about this until I was in high school!

Your most vivid school memory?
There’s so so many. I’ve had so many hilarious memories from high school. One memory was when we played ‘Silent Library’ during a photography class (we never did any work in that class haha) but it was the most hilarious thing ever. If you guys haven’t watched it before, definitely YouTube it! Japanese game shows are seriously so hilarious.

Who is your favourite teacher in school?
Our year advisor, Mrs Dickson. She was the biggest sweetheart, always caring and looking out for all of us. She also dedicated a day every month since year 7 (the first year of high school) where she would bake delicious cupcakes for everyone at the end of their birthday month!

Who is your least favourite teacher in school?
I wouldn’t want to say her name because I feel bad but she had a horrible temper. She was always angry and very mean! Everyone was always scared to even be in the same vicinity as her. She eventually left though!

Have you ever skipped class?
Not without my parents knowing! It was mainly on the last day of the term where we wouldn’t have been doing any work anyway.

What’s the biggest fad you’ve had in school?
In the beginning of high school, everyone was obsessed with using bags from Supre and I definitely fell into that fad. I remember buying clothes from the store just so I could get the bag that comes with all purchases!

Worst teacher joke ever?
What do you get when you mix sulfur, tungsten, and silver? SWAG. (Sorry, that was pretty bad…)

3 Day “Post A Quote” Challenge [Part 1]


Thank you for tagging me to do this challenge Janice and 4 Year Old Adult! This is a great idea, I always come across so many different quotes that I never really share so this is an amazing way to do so!

For this challenge, simply post a quote of your own or other people then tag three people per post and post three days in a row.

“Butterflies can’t see their wings. They can’t see how truly beautiful they are, but everyone else can. People are like that as well.”

I tag AlyssaSassafrass and Sophie!

All About The Blogger Tag


Bella from BellaNinaBeauty tagged me to do this and of course I never turn down tags so here are my questions to the questions!

1. Why did you start your blog?
I started my blog to just use my time more creatively. I’ve had interest in doing beauty reviews online since probably around 2008 or 2009 and I always held it off until I suddenly decided one day this year to just give it a go. =)

2. Do you like your blog name?
Yes, I definitely do like it! It’s a name I’ve been associated with for awhile now so I would never not like it.

3. How long do you plan on having your blog?
Definitely as long as I can! I don’t plan on deleting it anytime soon or at all!

4. Where do you get your inspiration (for your blog) from?
I’m not entirely sure. I didn’t draw inspiration from anywhere in particular! I’ve just always loved everything pink and girly. =P

5. Do you normally create an outline before you do a post, or do you just go with the flow as you make the post?
I always go with the flow in my own posts but if I’ve been approached by a company or a representative then I do make sure I have an outline with me so that I cover all the points they need and want me to!

6. How long does it normally take you to finish your posts?
It depends on what kind of post I’m doing. Normally I can get a post done in an hour or so but I do tend to break it up into several seatings so I can’t completely calculate how long exactly!

7. How many times a week do you try to post?
I definitely try to at least twice a week!

8. Do you find it hard to maintain your blog?
It is especially difficult when I have other commitments but it’s not something that bothers me just because I love blogging so much.

9. If you have one, what is your follower goal?
I want to hit 5,000 followers!

10. Who do you tag to do this next? (Optional)
Absolutely anyone who is reading and wants to do this tag too!

Compliments That Aren’t About Physical Appearance


A lot of the time we get complimented on the way we look and we start to think that it’s the most valued quality about ourselves but it’s important to notice how skilled we are and how empowered we are as individuals. I found this list below that has a number of compliments we can start using that focus on how great we are on the inside. I hope that all of you will be able to use these compliments from now on! =)

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1. You’re empowering

2. I like your voice

3. You’re strong

4. I think your ideas/beliefs matter

5. I’m so happy you exist

6. More people should be listening to what you have to say

7. You’re a very warm hearted person

8. It’s nice seeing such kindness

9. You’re very down to earth

10. You have a beautiful soul

11. You inspire me to become a better person

12. Our conversations bring me a lot of joy

13. It’s good to see someone care so much

14. You’re so understanding

15. You matter a lot to me

16. You’re important even if you don’t think so

17. You’re intelligent

18. Your passion is contagious

19. Your confidence is refreshing

20. You restore my faith in humanity

21. You’re great at being creative

22. You’re so talented at _____

23. I don’t get tired of you the way I get tired of other people

24. You have great taste in _____

25. I’m happy I stayed alive long enough to meet you

26. I wish more people were like you

27. You’re so good at loving people

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I hope you all will go compliment as many people as you can today! =) I pass along all these compliments to all of you that are reading!